Exclusive Price/Fair Value Ratio Determine whether an ETF is overpriced or undervalued using this new measure—available only from Morningstar.
Management Know the qualifications and strategies of the managers running the portfolio.
Risk ProfileQuickly see how volatile an ETF has been.
Morningstar Rating Quickly see how well an ETF has balanced risk and return
Tax Analysis Tax information reveals just how tax-efficient an ETF really is.
Morningstar's Take Get independent insight into how and why an ETF is a good choice—or a poor one.
Expenses, Fees, Addresses,Phone Numbers Find everything you need to obtain more information before you invest in an ETF.
Over 30 Categories Compare the strategies, risks, and returns of an ETF with its peers' using our investment categories.
Historical Market Price and NAV Performance Use up to 10 years' worth of data to easily evaluate an ETF's performance relative to its peers' and index's.
Investment Style Box Determine with a glance what general part of the market an ETF favors.
52-Week High/Low See how wide-ranging an ETF's price has been during the past year.
Sector Weightings Discover which parts of the economy an ETF targets—and which parts it shuns.
Let our new ETF research help you refine your portfolio
Explosive growth in the ETF market has led investors to question how to profit from these relatively new investment vehicles. Morningstar, the global leader in investment research, helps investors answer that question. This annual guide includes full-page reports on the 150 largest and most popular ETFs. In addition, investors will find dozens of pages of editorial guidance dedicated to revealing the advantages and disadvantages of ETFs, explaining how to use ETFs in a portfolio, gauging which ETFs track the slice of the market they want to track, and much more.