价值中国 - 财经商业新媒体
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作者:刘珣 主编


NPCR is a new series of textbooks designed for native English speakers to learn Chinese.It consists of seventy lessons in six volumes for three years of instruction.Basic sentence Patterns and functional items are introduced in the first thFee volumes with thirty-eight lessons.Book Four leads t0 the intermediate level of the last two Volumes,NPCR has been compiled under the guidance of the new NOTCFL Syllabus and in consultation with the HSK Guideline.The objective of this series iS tO develop the student’S ability to communicate using Chinese through the study of language structure,language function,and related cultural knowledge along with the training of listening,speaking,reading and writing skills.
In order to make the study of Chinese easier and more interesting,this textbook has the following features:
The student will be in the cultural setting of Chinese society with several international students,Ding Libo(son of Gubo and Ding Yun),Lin Na and Ma Dawei.Through many interesting experiences,the student will not only learn authentic Chinese but also understand Chinese society and culture.
The instruction Of functional items is emphasized.The student will learn tO use Chinese from the very beginning of the learning process.
Attention is paid tO the instruction of.pronunciation,grammar,vocabulary and discourse and a gradual increase in difficulty,orderly advances and multiple repeats are stessed along with the usage of four large cycles to help students understand the language structure of Chinese.
A new method of teaching Chinese characters is utilized tO help students.read and write intriguing characters.
Combined instruction of the four basic skills,listening,speaking,reading and writing,is emphasized.
Offering tremendous flexibility.the instructional materials are suitable for users at.different starting points and with different goals.
Abundant practice materials are supplied for the student tO use inside and outside the classroom.
Each volume comes with a student’S Workbook and an Instructor’S Manual along with audiOcassette and CD—ROM.Texts in traditional characters are provided.

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