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作者:贾向国 编著,温晋根 编译


Jia Xiangguo, M.A.,bynamed Wodan and styled as Master of the Six Peak Studio, was born in Shexian County,Hebei Province, in 1958.He is a current director of the Federation of Chi-nese Painters and Calligraphers, executive vice president of the China Academy of Painting and Calligraphic Arts, professor at Beijing Institute of Elite Education, professor at Beijing Huangpu Art Institute, member of Chinese Artists Association, full time director of the China As-sociation of Artists of Traditional Chinese Paint-ing and member of China Oil Painting Association, His works were displayed in the sixth, eighth and ninth national art exhibitions,as well as in 13 international art exhibitions held in France, USA, Japan and the former Soviet Union, winning 5 gold medals, 7 second prizes,and 5 international prizes. His works have found their way into art collections in France,USA and Japan. Besides all this, he is also the author of dissertations of 60,000 words.
To paint a live human figure is the most challenging task for an artist. Yet with a good grounding in drawing and constant practice, any artist, amateur or professiona can make a success of figure painting and thus prove his or her competence in this field.
Like people in other professions or hobbies,aspiring figure painters need two things -ambition and skill. Specially prepared for non-Chinese readers, this manual offers easy,step-by-step instructions, plus interesting infor-mation about the history and development of Chinese figure painting. Since each stage of study is carefully graded, the reader's ambi-tion is unlocked and thus ultimate success is ensured.

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