J.C.Wells occupies the Chair of Phonetics in the University of London. He was born in Lancashire in 1939. Both at school and as an undergraduate at Cambridge he specialized in Classics, but switched to phonetics as a postgraduate at University College London, where he became a member of the academic staff in 1962. There he teaches English phonetics, both to native speakers and to EFL learners, as well as general phonetics and phonology and the phonetics of various other languages.
“朗文词典”是世所公认的品牌词典,自出版以来,一直深受世界各地读者的青睐。2004年,商务印书馆与培生教育出版集团亚洲有限公司达成协议,决定在中国内地联合推出“朗文词典系列”,即《朗文当代英语大辞典》(Longman Dictionary of Language and Culture)、《朗文英语发音词典》(Longman Pronunciation Dictionary)、《朗文无师自通英语词典》(Longman Wordwise Dictionary)、《朗文袖珍英语词典》(Longman Pocket English Dictionary)、《朗文袖珍英语联想词典》(Longman Pocket Activator)、《朗文袖珍英语短语动词词典》(Longman Pocket Phrasal Verbs Dictionary)、《朗文袖珍英语习语词典》(Longman Pocket Idioms Dictionary)等。其中,《朗文当代英语大辞典》最具影响力,它把英语学习词典与百科全书功能合二为一,全球首创。《朗文英语发音词典》作为一部权威性的发音词典,将会对我国英语语音教学产生积极的影响。《朗文无师自通英语词典》注重“产出”(production),突出“无师自通”(wordwise)的特色,是培生新近推出的一部品牌学习词典。我们相信,这个全新的朗文词典系列必将受到我国学生、英语教师及广大英语使用者的喜爱。