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Illustration of Cervical(颈椎病按摩治疗图解)(含DVD-ROM)

作者:唐学章,于天源 主编


Tang Xuezhang,male, born in 1963, associate chief physician. Graduated fromacupuncture and tuina major, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Inhis more than 20 years of working as a doctor, based on inheriting and carryingforward the traditional medicine of his homeland, he gradually develops a complete setof integrated traditional chinese and western medicine treatments of manipulations,and is good at treating diseases like cervical spondylosis, periarthritis of shoulder,lumbar disc protrusion, injury of sacroiliac joint, myofascitis by using manipulations. Hehas been invited to Japan, Switzerland, the Republic of Kazakhstan for working andexchanging experience. He has published more than ten medical professional theses,has had a part in editing two medical academic books. At present he is the director ofTCM massage department of China-Japan Friendship Hospital, The Ministry of Health,he also works part time as a member of standing committee of massage of BeijingAssociation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a member of committee of preservinghealth of China Association of Doctors, a specialist editor of Chinese MassotherapyMagazine.
This book is written by experienced professors and experts who work in Tuinadepartment of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and in TCM massagedepartment of China-Japan Friendship Hospital, The Ministry of Health. The bookconsists of 4 parts: introduction to cervical spondylosis, the treatment fundamentals,Massage therapy treatment and cervical spondylosis prevention. The chapter ofintroduction to cervical spondylosis describes the definition of cervical spondylosis,pathogeny and corresponding pathogenesis as well as the clinical manifestations indetails. The chapter of treatment fundamentals introduces the necessary knowledge ofmeridians and collaterals, acupoints and basic therapeutic manipulations. The chapterof massage treatment comprehensively presents the cervical spondylosis treatmentusing Chinese massage therapy, and also the writers' opinions on misunderstandings oftreatments. The chapter of cervical spondylosis prevention discusses does and don'tsthat people need to know when taking care of their necks, how to do self massage andfunctional exercises for neck.
This book contains a goldmine of information, both its pictures and texts areexcellent, the techniques introduced in this book are practical and described in details.
It is intended for clinic doctors, medical practitioners who do grass-root jobs,students who study in schools of Chinese Medicine, as well as for cervical spondylosispatients and their families.

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