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作者:Ted Padova,Don Mason 著


Ted Padova first began his interest in amateur photography as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Venezuela. He toured five Latin American countries, collecting shoeboxes of slides he hopefully will one day sort out. Upon completion of his two-year Peace Corps tour, he attended the New York Institute of Photography in Manhattan when it was a resident school, earning a diploma in Commercial Photography. He worked his way through undergraduate and graduate school professionally shooting weddings and portraits. Although many people laugh at his Honeywell Strobonars, he realizes he could never have completed his higher education without them. In 2004 he retired from his Digital Imaging Service Bureau and Custom Photo Finishing Lab after 15 years of owning and operating three facilities. He has authored over 20 computer books on Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements, and Adobe Illustrator. Today he spends his time writing and speaking nationally and internationally on Acrobat PDF and digital imaging. When not writing or speaking he can be found walking the beaches or sailing around his home in Waikiki in Honolulu, Hawaii. Ted can be reached at ted@west.net.
Don Mason is a graduate of Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, California. He has been a professional photographer for more than three decades and works in virtually every aspect of commercial photography. Don first started using a computer in 1999 when he didn’t believe that digital imaging would ever replace his wing lynch system used for processing all his E-6 film and his darkroom where he made his own C-prints. After four years of intensive work in Adobe Photoshop, he abandoned his analog film lab and went completely digital. Today he divides his time between shooting professional commercial photography and printing art prints for a wide range of clients on his two oversized Epson inkjet printers. Don can be reached at Dmason5849@aol.com.
Whether you're a professional or a serious amateur, you recognize the importance of color. This book is about perfecting color at every level, from setting up a shot to editing the image to printing. Illustrated with the spectacular photography of coauthor Don Mason, this volume doesn't rehash the Photoshop® basics you already know. Instead, it shares professional methods and color correction techniques designed to reveal the soul of your subjects and the art in your images.
Understand color modes, bit depth, and dynamic range
Create an optimum color environment with controlled lighting, monitor calibration, and color output profiles
Make the best use of Camera Raw and Adobe® Bridge
Correct tone and brightness and sharpen images
Remedy the effects of improper exposure on color
Explore the artistic options of black-and-white editing
Achieve image, camera, and printer resolution for professional-quality prints

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