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作者:Tony Hines (Author), Margaret Bruce 著


A collection of international contributions from renowned academics and practitioners from the UK,USA and China,the second edition of Fashion Marketing has been revised and expanded to incorporate the major changes in the fashion industry since 2001。This edition integrates everything on fashion marketing that a student or practitioner could ever need。 Now covering all the key themes and issues of the area:
  *fast fashion
  *luxury fashion
  *supply chain management (demand management)
  *new product development
  *design management
  *range planning
  *colour prediction
  *market testing
  Ideal for use on Fashion marketing and Fashion management programmes, this book will also be invaluable on any undergraduate or postgraduate courses in Fashion, Textiles, Apparel and Retailing Management。 This book will also serve as a useful, informative and authoritative text for senior managers in the fashion marketing industries wanting to gain further understanding of current and future developments within the industry。
  Professor Tony Hines is Chair of Doctoral Programmes at Manchester Metropolitan University,UK。 His research interests are market-led supply chain strategies,and he has a particular expertise in the apparel sector。Tony has worked with a number of organizations in the UK and internationally to research and develop supply chain strategies。 During the past three years he has worked with the Sri Lankan Government,the Sri Lanka Export Association and the Chartered Institute of Marketing to develop executive marketing and supply chain programmes for the Apparel Industry in Sri Lanka linked to professional marketing qualifications。He is editor of the Textile Institute Journal of Economics,Management and Marketing a position he has held since 1994。He is a leading marketing educator having taught and examined in the UK and internationally。 He has held Senior Examiner positions for the Chartered Institute of Marketing。
  Professor of Design Management and Marketing at Manchester Business School (MBS)。 She is also a specialist in fashion retail marketing。 Prior to joining MBS, she was Head of Textiles at UMIST and developed a suite of fashion retail programmes。 Her research spans design management, product development,fashion retailing and strategic marketing。She has published 8 books and over 200 papers in these fields。Currently,her research is focused on design and innovation management in the supply chain and how innovation impacts on competitiveness in retailing。She is a Panel member of the Arts and Humanities Research Board,AHRB and the Graduate Pioneer Programme, Nesta,as well as acting as a Strategic Advisor to Hong Kong Polytechnic University。She is CEO of Indigo Retail Solutions Ltd and has developed an e-learning retail management simulation package, which is being used by Universities and companies globally。 Professor Bruce holds the International Chair in Design and Marketing at ICN, Ecole de Management, University of Nancy, France。

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