If you'd like to radiate energy and vitality, if you'd like to KNOW that you are in total control of your health, then the renowned authors of America's #1 diet book have a new and exciting pro-gram for you. In Fit for Life II you will learn that YES--YOU CAN LIVE WITHOUT DRUGS! AND YES-YOU CAN MINIMIZE STRESS! Fit for Life II will show you how easy it is to put your old habits
behind you and turn your life-style into a rejuvenating and invigorating HEALTH-STYLE.
Marilyn Diamond has a certification of nutritional counseling from the American College of Health Science and has worked and studied in the nutrition/health field for over 20 years. She is the also the co-author of Fit For Life and most recently co-authored Fitonics for Life with her new partner, Dr. Donald Burton Schnell.