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作者:Philip B. Crosby 著


As America's premier management consultant, Philip Crosby has made "quality" the corporate buzz word in America's top-tier firms. Now, as he has before, this bold, brilliant, and very practical mover-and-shaker has set out to disturb the complacency and stir the creative capacity of American management. The result is a book that raises the credo of quality to a higher level--the level demanded in the fiercely competitive marketplaces of today and tomorrow. Crosby's message to management is as powerful as it is plainspoken. Just as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, no com- pany can afford to ignore any part of its operation--whether it is the goods and services it offers, the needs of the customers it serves, the loyalty and nitiative of the people who work for it, or the bottom-line results on inex- orable computer printouts. Success in attaining quality in all these areas iswhat the author means by Completeness. It's the whole picture. And this valuable book shows how to put it clearly into focus. Filled with illustrative corporate case histories of successes and snafus, and enriched by theauthor's personal experience as a business leader and as a leading consul- tant, this indispensable book takes the reader on a guided tour of every area that management should and must care about. A powerful new busi- ness tool for corporate leaders that provides the kind of clear "do's" and "don'ts" that the next generation of American management will need, this is essential reading for all who want to stay on top of their job and ahead of the pack.

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