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作者:Lowell L. L Bryan 等著

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

  Harvard MBA Lowell L. L Bryan is a Director(Senior Partner)at McKinsey&Company.Over the past 30 years,he has spoken and written extensively on strategy,organization,and financial services.Bryan has been a frequent con-tributor to the Wall Street Journal editorial page,has had articles pubished in numerous periosicals,including the Harvard Business Review and the Mckinsey Quarterly,and has arthored or coauthored several other books.
  Based on a decade of exclusive research, Lowell Bryan and Claudia Joyce of McKinsey & Company have come up with a simple yet revolutionary conclusion: Your workforce is the key to growth in the 21st century. By tapping into their underutilized talents, knowledge, and skills you can earn tens of thousands of additional dollars per employee, and manage the interdepartmental complexities and barriers that prevent real achievements and profits.
  This can only be accomplished through organizational design and redesign. That''s the new model for survival in the modern, digital, global economy. With the right design, your organization will have the capabilities to pursue whatever strategy is necessary to compete on any scale, react to any market change, leverage any opportunity, and sail past the competition.
  In Mobilizing Minds, the authors distill their research into seven strategic ideas that shatter the complexity frontiers, have the potential to unleash enormous profits, and enable long-term success for every company. Bryan and Joyce outline innovative principles that enable corporations to:
  Manage complexity, bureaucracy, and redundancy
  Use hierarchical authority to strengthen the authority of key managers and drive performance
  Deliver operating earnings while implementing wealth-creation strategies
  Allow formal networks, talent, and knowledge marketplaces to work in a large company
  Motivate and reward wealth-creating behavior
  Pursue organizational design as a corporate strategy
  Increase worker satisfaction
  It is imperative for corporations to put the same energy used for new products and processes into organizational design. That''s where the money is. That''s where the opportunities lie. That''s the key to surviving and prospering in the 21st century.

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