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What Smart Girls Know about the SAT(SAT应试指南(女生版))

作者:Cynthia Johnson 著


So, girls, you want to get ready for the SAT?
  You stand there, looking aimlessly at the dozens of test prep guides on the shelf. And this one caught your eye. Maybe you liked the title. Maybe it was the pink cover.
  Excuse the color choice, but we needed to get your attention. We've got an important message: The SAT experience is biased against females. On average, girls do not score as high as boys do on the SAT, though on nearly every other scale, girls show themselves to be as capable -- even more capable -- than boys.
  The bias is ingrained in the design of the test, but there are things you can do to even the scales. Things like setting up an all-girl study group, learning to think the way the test makers think, and mastering all-purpose strategies that make the most of your female brain.
That's what book is all about.That—and a bigher score.
Cynthia Brantley Johnson, a smart girl herself, is the author of several educational books for young people, two of which received the prestigious Parents' Choice Gold Award, and were listed in Curriculum Administrator magazine's "Top 100" educational products for 1996. Cynthia is the co-author of several books for Kaplan, including Learning Power, a guide for improving study skills and the Homework Heroes series, which won a Parents' Choice Award in 2002. She earned her B.A. in English from Tulane University, M.S. in mass communication from Boston University, M.A. in English from the University of Texas -- Austin, and did doctoral work in American literature at the University at Texas-- Austin.

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