Completely revised and updated,this 1,200-page volume is one of the finest and most authoritative diction-aries of the English language avail-able.
The dictionary section includes more than 1.200 illustrations and 170,000 entries. Together with an alphabet-ized thesaurus of 90,000 synonyms and antonyms, this outstanding refer-ence work will satisfy even the most demanding user.
The alphabetical dictionary entries were selected by a group of distin-guished lexicographers and other language scholars, and were edited to give the user specific and exact
Unlike many other dictionaries, The New International Webster' s Dictionary and Thesaurus has an easy-to-use pronunciation guide and shows when to capitalize and where to break a word.
The New International Webster" s Dictionary and Thesaurus is attractive and sturdily bound. It is an outstanding value, offering quality reference material ideally suited for home, school or office use.