Michael J. Padilla, Ph.D.
Department of Science Education
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia
Michael Padilla is a leader in middle school science education. He has served as an editor and elected officer for the National Science Teachers Association. He has been principal investigator of several National Science Foundation and Eisenhower grants and served as a writer of the National Science Education Standards.
As lead author of Science Explorer, Mike has inspired the team in developing a program that meets the needs of middle grades students, promotes science inquiry, and is aligned with the National Science Education Standards.
Science Explorer(《科学探索者》)是根据美国《国家科学教育标准》为美国中学生编写的科学教材。这套丛书不仅内容丰富、图文并茂,而且在引领学生探究、启迪学生心智方面也有独到之处。因此,这套语文地道、通俗易懂的英文科学教材,为我国中学汉英双语教育实验提供了丰富的教育资源。
走近科学 来自植物的化学品