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Particles, Strings and Cosmology:Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium

作者:Kingman Cheung 等著


The PASCOS (International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology) series brings together the leading experts and most active young researchers in the closely related fields of elementary particle physics, string theory and cosmology/astrophysics. These areas of research have become increasingly intertwined in recent years, each having direct impact on the others. In particular, there has been a dramatic expansion of ideas from particle theory and string theory that have vast impact on cosmology, especially our picture of the early universe and its evolution. Correspondingly, the proliferation of data regarding the early universe, and its increasing precision, has begun to strongly constrain the theoretical models. Meanwhile, observations of neutrino oscillations and cosmic ray excesses, and limits on new physics from colliders and other particle experiments, as well as the resulting restrictions on theoretical and phenomenological modeling, are becoming ever stronger. During PASCOS99, it became clear that the long-awaited era of convergence of these fields is truly at hand.
The proceedings of PASCOS 99 reflect the accelerating overlap and convergence of the fields of elementary particles physics, string theory and cosmology/astrophysics. Plenary reviews by leading figures in these fields provide perspectives on these interrelationships and up-to-the-minute summaries of recent progress in the various areas. Parallel talk summaries focus on many of the topics within each field of greatest current interest and activity. Both the plenary and parallel writeups are designed to be descriptive in nature and avoid being overly technical. As a result, the volume can serve as a useful reference for students and professionals in all three fields. Careful referencing allows further pursuit of a given topic. Overall, the proceedings are unique in that they not only bring together in a single volume comprehensive overview of the great progress being made in all three of these very exciting fields, but also provide a snapshot of how particles, strings and cosmology are increasingly impacting one another.

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