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Microsoft WINDOWS COMMAND-LINE管理员必备指南(英文版)

作者:(美)斯坦内克 著


William R. Stanek has 20 years of hands-on experience with advanced pro-gramming and development. He is a leading technology expert and an award-winning author. Over the years, his practical advice has helped millions of pro-grammers, developers, and network engineers all over the world. He has written more than two dozen computer books. Current and forthcoming books include Microsoft Windows XP Professional Administrator's Pocket Consultant, Microsoft Windows 2000 Administrator's Pocket Consultant 2nd Edition, Microsoft Win- dows Server 2003 Administrator's Pocket Consultant, and IIS 6.0 Administrator's Pocket Consultant.
Mr. Stanek has been involved in the commercial Internet community since 1991.
His core business and technology experience comes from more than 11 years of
military service. He has substantial experience in developing server technology,
encryption, and Internet solutions. He has written many technical white papers and training courses on a wide variety of topics. In addition, he is widely sought after as a subject matter expert.
Mr. Stanek has an MS in Information Systems with distinction and a BS in Com-
puter Science with highest honors. He is proud to have served in the Gulf War as a combat crew member on an electronic warfare aircraft. He flew on numer- ous combat missions into Iraq and was awarded nine medals for his wartime service, including the Air Force Distinguished Flying Cross, one of the highest flying honors in the United States. Currently, he resides in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and children.

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