This collection of articles grew out of a tutorial workshop which has been conducted at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Augsburg in June 1994.This workshop,organized by the editors of this volume,was part of a particular pgaduate student program("Graduiertendolleg Mathematik:Analyse,Optimierungund Steuerung Steuerung komplexer Systeme")financed by the DFGand the Bavarian Ministry of Education,Culture,Science and Art.
The six articles in this volume cover different different facets of the mathematical theory of dynamical systems.The topics range from the topological foundations through invari-ant manifolds,decoupling ,linearization,perturbations and computations to controltheory.In any case,emphasis is put on motivation and on guiding ideas,and the theoretical explanations are accompanide and illustrated by many examples.Each contribution is self-contained and provides an in-depth into some topic of current interest.
We hope that this volume will stimulate further research in the field of dynamical systems.