Music and sheesha smoke wafting from the open doorway of a Cairo coffeehouse, the rippling dunes and blinding white sand of the Western Desert, and the awe-inspiring temples of Abu Simbel and Karnak - our bestselling guide to the ancient land of the Pharaohs covers every corner of this inspiring country.
• TAKE A CRUISE with our dedicated Nile Cruises chapter - we'll give you the low-down on everything that floats, from local feluccas to luxurious cruise ships
• GET AROUND with our 128 detailed maps - including customized itineraries and a walking tour map to help you discover the medieval alleyways of Islamic Cairo
• GET THE BACKGROUND on everything from pyramids to papyrus with our special sections on Pharaonic Egypt and the Egyptian Museum
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作者简介:Andrew Humphreys,Coordinating Authors,Alexandria &the Mediterranean Cast.
Andrew has lived,travelled and worked in Egypt since 1998when he arrived in Cairo on holiday and took three years to leave.Trained as an architect,heworked with a preservation socety documenting Cairo's rich lslamic architec-tural heritage.He's since earned his living as a wrter,travellin desert and valley on assignment.andrew has also authored Lonely Planet's Cairo.
Gadi is an Alexandrian girl.She grew up in Egypt's second city,later relocating to the capital to co-found with Andrewthe Cairo Times.They now live in London but are frequent flyers in and out of masr international airort.