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最佳数字摄影指南——风景、天空与海(附200余幅照片) The Better Digital Photography Guide

作者:Michael Bussell  著


The Better Digital Photography Guides are aimed at amateur photographers who want to explore the potential of digital technology to improve the quality and range of their work, be it snapshots of family activities, records of their travels, landscapes, portraits, or still-lifes. Master photographer Michael Busselle breaks down the image-making process into three phases: Capture, Enhance, and Print. While his stunning photographs educate through visual inspiration, his clear step-by-step text simplifies all the procedures.
  To landscape photographers, digital offers previously undreamed of possibilities for enhancing their work or eliminating snags that were not apparent at the time a pictures was taken. Telegraph lines can be removed, skies can be improved, and light and shadow effects that didn’t quite work can be strengthened. In short, photographers have a second chance to produce a print that more fully reflects the vision they had in mind at the point of capture. Each of Michael Busselle’s stunning images, which he uses to demonstrate the ways in which landscape photographers can use digital techniques to improve their work, is accompanied by instructions broken down into three phases—Capture, Enhance, and Print—which explain his original intentions and the ways in which they were finally realized. Inspired by these examples, amateurs will quickly discover the immense creative possibilities opened up by the new technology.

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