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作者:上海博物馆,朱屺瞻美术馆 编


On the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the birthday of respected and beloved Mr. Zhu Qizhan, it is of special significa that we are arranging the publication of collections of his paintings and his critical essays. An exhibition of his masterpiece also being organized in commemoration of him for his brilliant contributions to the causes of fine arts and art education.
  Quite a number of outstanding artists of modern painting have left with us wonderful art works which have a unique valu humanity and great influences in art. Mr. Zhu Qizhan is without doubt one of the most prolific, creative and influential fig in the world.
  With ease, Mr. Zhu Qizhan experienced a century of life, 80 years of which were devoted to his art career. "Unique in thoughtful in life" is the motto Mr. Zhu took as his code of conduct. To the benefits of the development of painting, he toile and pursued painting art with tenacity without any complaints. His career was also characterized by artistic innovation, somett that grew steadily into perfection along with his age. The success of his painting exhibitions held at his ages of 100 and really served as a triumphant song of life and art, and worked a marvel in history of art. Combining traditional painting wi strong modern spirit, his paintings of landscape and flowers, drawn in a novel freehand fashion, exude a charm of simpli,freshness, richness, vigour and grandeur. His works are regarded as models in the development of freehand style of the traditiChinese scholars' paintings. In the appreciation of his works, everyone will enjoy the embodied optimism a pow pioneering spiritual force.
  • 程和平 2007-08-03
    朱屺瞻(1892-1996),生于清初娄东画派的故乡江苏太仓,号起哉,二瞻老民等。朱屺老8岁即习国画,稍长,即入上海美术学校学习后任该校教师;26岁东渡日本,从藤岛武二学习西洋画,并为法国著名画家塞尚、马蒂斯、荷兰著名画家凡高等现代印象派大师的画风所倾倒;归国后即从事油画民族化的探索达20余年,同时他始终没有停止对中国画的探索,通过对西画的研习,他强烈感受到… [阅读全文]

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