价值中国 - 财经商业新媒体
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出版社:John Wiley

At the dawn of 21st century, one contry, abouve all, stands poised to alter the global economy. With one puarter of the world's population, a stable and increasingly enterprising government, and with recent acceptance into the world Trade Organization, China's economic might will profoundly affect the future course of this century.
China's Century brings together a distinguished group of industry experts, from both China and the West, to analyze the key issues affecting the future of theis remarkaboe country ,including: Economic reforms, International relation, Foreign investment and trade, Industry and commerce, Banding and finance, Technology and the Internet, Law and government, and , Role of the media.
Leading government policy-makers introduce China's program of reforms for each of these areas, followed by insightful discussions from top specialists and business pioneers examining these sectors in detail. Never before has such a distinguished group of government and business insiders been drawn together, summarizing experiences, and presenting their opinions and prognosis on China's future development.
The importance of China's tuture cannot be underestimated. China's Century provides a comerehensive picture of a country in transition and offers fascinating suggestions on where it may be heading. This book is essential reaing for anyone involved with, or wishing to understand Chain today and the way in which ift might affect our lives tomorrow.
作者简介:Laurence J Brahm, a lawyer and political economist by profession, serves ans CEo of Naga Group, and reides in Beijing . He is author of over 20 books on China including China as 'No.1', Red Capital, Re-engineering China and Negotiating in China-36 Strategies. Fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese, he is a leading commentator on China's current economic reforms and business environment.
in addition to advising Fortune 500 companies on their China investment strategies, he has government consultant on enterprise and financial reform issues in China, Vietnam and Laos. Between 1989-1998, he played a key role in coordinating trial Sate-owned enterprise reform plans for pillar industrial enterprises in Anhui Province as well as bing and advisor to the lao government in financial reform plans for pllar industrial enterprises in Ahui Province as well as being and advisor to the Lao government in financial reform planning, drafting legislation for the baking and enterprise sectors. he also served as na advisor to the State Bank of Vietnam on credit security and currency stabilization matters
Mr Brahm received his education in China, USA, Hawaii and Hong Kong. He holds darate black belt rakings and is also actively involved in the restoration of historic and ancient courtyards in Beijing's old puarter.
  • 郑磊 2007-05-19
    作者LaurenceJBrahm是律师、政治经济学研究者,也是政府和企业咨询顾问,中国通,常年居住在北京,对中国政治经济和社会有较深入了解,并且是红都等书的作者。这本书是一本有关中国的经济改革、国际关系、对外投资和对外贸易、工商业、金融、信息科技、法律、政府、媒体的角色的重要主题的讨论。作者都是中外产业专家、政策研究者和商务界人士,提供对于未来中国的深入解读。本书对于了解… [阅读全文]

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