The First New Science gives a clear account of the basic theme of Vice’s mature philosophy: the belief that functions which are necessary for the maintenance of
human society and culture-including philosophy-are also historically conditioning Vico challenges the traditional view that philosophy can claim anhistorically independent viewpoint from which to make its pronouncements, thus raising the question whether viable philosophical theories can ever be more than an intellectual expression of the underlying beliefs of an age, The First New Science is the first of Vico’s works in which he was able, by writing in Italian, both to
expound and to demonstrate his conception of the philosophical importanceof etymology. This Cambridge Texts edition is the first complete English translation
of the 1725text.Accompanied by a glossary, bibliography, chronology of Vico’s life and expository introduction, it makes this important work accessible to students for the first time.
LEON POMPA,is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy of the University of Birmingham,He has published over a hundred articles and books in the fields of philosophy of history, epistemology, the history of philosophy and idealist philosophy. His works include Vico: a study of the New Science (Cambridge 1977:2nd edn.1990) He is also
the translator and editor of Vico: Selected Writings (Cambridge, 1982)